Thursday, March 24, 2011

Questions? Ideas?

I know I'm behind on postings. But I'm catching up. I'm only 2 dates behind now (this Monday and last night). (And I have another one tonight - but by the weekend I should be all caught up!? Maybe.)

I've been getting questions here and there. Other people's experiences have also come up.

If you have any questions or ideas for a posting, email me or leave me a comment. I just talk about what I think you'd like to hear.

My email address is: .

Or hit the word "comments" at the bottom of this post and you can send me a message.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to my co-worker Jennifer who told me I was a dating whore this morning. I like to think of myself as a dating superagent - it's dangerous and stealth work, but all done in seriousness...


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