Friday, May 6, 2011

My sinking heart

I was planning on writing today about my first date with G because I know it's been highly anticipated, but I'm feeling a bit sad right now and I just had to share that...

You know us women...we get sad for reasons even we don't understand. But the floodgates of tears are on the verge of bursting and here's what caused a few tears at lunch time today...

I was reading The Washington Post and they have a feature in their Sunday magazine called "Date Lab". They match up two applicants and send them on a date. Obviously then, the date needs to be reported back on by the two people. Usually it doesn't work out for various reasons but it's interesting to read.

This week's is a man and a woman; they are both over the age of 50 and both have never been married. Neither of them seemed abnormal except for the fact that they had never been married. And I was suddenly so sad. What if that's me in 20ish years from now? Just never met the right guy...? It didn't sound like for them it was a no-go for a lack of trying. Obviously, you don't get the full picture/background on a one page article. But it caused my heart to sink...

Ugh! Are you utterly depressed yet? Maybe not. Maybe I'm just tired. At least it's Friday but I have a 2nd date with F on Saturday night. So I better pull it together before then.


Anonymous said...

Life begins at 50!!!

Nobody is born with a manual. Everything always works out.


Miss Scarlett said...

Thanks everyone for their comments both on this blog, personal email, and in person. I was over it once I got that off my chest. Even the most positive person can't be cheerful every day.

We'll see what happens. I have been very blessed in my life and having always gone with the flow I've had a few adventures along the way.

Hugs and Kisses!