Thursday, May 5, 2011

Drinko de mayo

So it's Cinqo de Mayo today which means the girls in DC like to pretend for a few hours that they are still in no dates tonight.

But thanks to some incidents in prior years, I will also be watching how much I drink (Mr. Tequila and I are still friends but I don't need to be puking in the basement bathroom of our annual Mexican spot in DC anymore). But that doesn't mean that I won't help Amy steal a life-sized cardboard cutout of "The Most Interesting Man in the World" (Dos Equis) from our bar of choice.

Anyway, quick news on the guy front. F and I seem to be having communication issues. Evidently, yesterday afternoon's text that said, "OK ill can I call u tonight" was a question. I thought it was a statement. So he didn't call because I didn't respond.

I texted him today to say are you ok? Didn't hear from you. And of course now I can't talk to him because I'm going out tonight for Lynn's birthday and tomorrow night I have my volunteer gig. So we'll just have to talk on Saturday on our date.

Is this a sign of communication issues to come? Thank goodness my mother insisted on good grammar. At least it's clear when I text whether it is a question or a statement.

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