Thursday, March 31, 2011
The One that Got Away...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A Comedy of A Date
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thinking and doing
Speed dating
- He's skinner than I am. I didn't realize this at first, but I'm not a big girl. I can still shop in the petite section. I don't know. I like to feel small next to a guy. It also doesn't help that he drives a Miata. Also, not a very manly car. (I have car prejudice. I always have - ever since I started dating. I like guys that drive SUVs and pickup trucks. Sports cars don't do anything for me.) Yes I know I'm shallow. I said I might be. I warned you.
- He's Jewish. I am proven to be a shiska goddess. Carrie and Katie can attest to it. They watched these guys at the Four Seasons in Austin pool circle me like sharks because I looked like I could also be attending that night's Jewish wedding. Little did they know, Carrie and I flirted it up with the groom and his party in the elevator later in our bathing suits and towels. But I'm not Jewish and I won't be converting (even though I thought about it for a minute for the hot rabbi). I am looking for a Christian guy (for the same reasons my Jewish friend is looking for a Jewish guy). He doesn't have to be Catholic or uber-religious, but he has to do Christmas and understand and accept that I will continue to go to church for the rest of my life. And I'm taking our kids with me to church.
And now a naughty commercial break
That's right. My blog keeps the pussies warm at night. Ba dum dum! (Yes I thought of that within 2 minutes of seeing this picture.)
Or here's another one I thought of this morning - My blog will keep your pussy entertained. (Ugh! Ok that one was bad. I usually have to edit myself - but I don't feel like it today so it's staying.)
Photo credit: Amy - mother of Luna, the kitten.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thinning the there a better way to say "It's not you, it's me?"

You go left, I go right
Friday, March 25, 2011
A quick message to a special reader
We May Have the Beginning of a "Stage Five Clinger"
I didn't really know much about this guy. His match subscription was ending just after we started talking but he seemed cool and wanted to go to happy hour even if we just decided we were better suited as friends. So we only exchanged an email or two and then decided to meet up for dinner on Monday night. He picked the restaurant - an Italian place in Potomac (I'd heard of it but never been there). Not very happy hour-esque, but anyway.
So off I went. I couldn't tell what ethnicity he was, but upon meeting him I discover that he is Indian. Grew up in the Midwest and now works in DC after a long school career (multiple degrees). He had a nerdy vibe (which didn't bother me, but it can go either strong silent nerdy or pathetic sad nerdy.)
And about 20 minutes (or maybe less), I can tell that I am not attracted to him. And here's what really sealed it for me - he talked about what a bad experience online dating has been and how he just can't meet a nice girl or any friends who are women in DC for that matter. And he went on about it for about 5-10 minutes.
I'm sorry, but that is so unattractive to me. It just makes you look pathetic. Don't tell me some sad sack story about how you meet all these crazy girls who aren't what you are looking for and you are just a hopeless romantic, and want to cuddle...blah blah blah. GIRLS DON'T LIKE THAT! They don't want to hear how pathetic you are. Men are men - they are strong and confident even when they aren't. Believe me, I work with mostly men - I've watched all of them BS about something. I'm just looking for some positive spin. So you haven't met the right girl, so online dating is coming up with all the wrong girls, you can't somehow spin that in at least a neutral way. Don't go on and on into some sob story or spin it as a hopeless romantic story. It's not attractive.
Ok, now I'm getting off my soapbox to tell you about the rest of the date. Dinner was good. We had a nice meal and some wine. The restaurant was closing (we weren't the last ones to leave) so I took the rest of my pasta to go and we walked out to the parking lot to our cars. Quick chat and we go for what I think is the first date hug. But no - the hug ends and I'm trying to back up and he's got a grip on my arms. Before I can react, he goes in for the kiss. WHAT!? Just a small peck. OK...phew. But the grip is still there. This time, I get all tense, trying to move my face away from his - side to side, but still the iron grip. One more kiss - this one feels like slow-mo. I'm thinking seriously - you can't feel me tensing up and trying to avoid you. Red flags/alarm bells going off in my head, but in the end, I just had to let him kiss me again if this was going to end. Nothing in those kisses - no spark. I'm released. I quickly lunge for the door of my car and get in.
So why do I think I have the beginning of a "Stage Five Clinger" (who knows what movie that is from?)? Because I have gotten at least one text from him every day since I saw him. It's like he can't let me go. I saw it in his eyes and it looks alittle creepy. He asked me to go out on Friday a few days ago, but luckily I had possible plans.
I think he's going to have to be thinned from the herd. I had already made my decision to just be friends with him while still on the date. He sounded like he needed dating advice, but I don't know if that's going to happen. I'm alittle afraid to call him up and tell him I don't want to see him again. I feel like he's either going to yell or cry. So just avoiding the inevitable for now.
One last random thought on C:
He said to me that he wants to go to Italy. And I said, "Just go. Go as your next vacation." And he says to me, "well I want to go with someone special. I want it to be romantic". I'm thinking oh good God. I tell him "it's not as romantic as you think. You should just go. You don't want to wait for that woman to come along. I went with my sister." Who says that?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Questions? Ideas?
I've been getting questions here and there. Other people's experiences have also come up.
If you have any questions or ideas for a posting, email me or leave me a comment. I just talk about what I think you'd like to hear.
My email address is: .
Or hit the word "comments" at the bottom of this post and you can send me a message.
Also, I'd like to give a shout out to my co-worker Jennifer who told me I was a dating whore this morning. I like to think of myself as a dating superagent - it's dangerous and stealth work, but all done in seriousness...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Sunday night date?
I have to say I was nervous. First dates for me are easy. There's really no pressure. You barely know this guy. So you dress casual but cute, go to a bar, you have a drink (or 2), talk for awhile and you pretty much know if you'd like to have another within an hour or so. I have gone of lots of first dates (and lots of them ended with radio silence), but this was a 2nd date. And it was on a Sunday. I'm still not sure if I've ever gone on a Sunday night date. What do I wear? What will we talk about? The afternoon before the date, my head felt like it was going a mile a minute. So what do I do to prepare - one of my favorite activities, nap. It calms me. And I knew I might be more charming with one.
So I actually figured out my outfit pretty quickly and got ready. And pretty much on the dot, he picked me up (yes I was nervously busying myself in my living room/kitchen).
The restaurant couldn't seat us right away so we sat at the bar and had a drink. We eased right back into conversation. The meal went great. Our poor waitress was getting the full extent of both of our sarcasm and she didn't even realize it. We headed back to the bar after a long dinner. This time we talked mostly about his job and family. He has alot of great stories from his job. I was charming (the nap worked). After a few hours, we realized we were pretty much the last people in the restaurant and headed out. He had to work early in the AM and I had the gym. So back to my house, a quick chat/goodbye in the driveway and I bounded back up the stairs into my house.
The only thing about the date was I really wanted him to kiss me at the end. And he didn't. I got another hug and kiss on the cheek. I tried to give all the right signals, but I didn't have enough huevos to make it happen myself. So I was a bit worried that night that he wasn't feeling it as much as I was (and I became more worried when he stopped texting me mid-conversation the next day). But we talked last night on the phone and date number 3 is in the works for the weekend.
So I guess I better make my kiss happen this weekend. Sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
When Guys Don't Call/Text/Email or A Reason Why Women are Crazy
Crack of Dawn
Friday March 11th - First date with A
Saturday March 12th - Friday March 18th - No dates, just conversations, internet dating, going out with friends, USO - you get it.
Saturday March 19th - A first date with B and an 80's party in Richmond
Sunday March 20th - Race back from Richmond, 2nd Date with A
Monday March 21st - First Date with C
TODAY - REST!!! I was supposed to have running, but a long conference call and an injured knee has me sitting on the couch, blogging and watching "Where the Heart Is" (great book and movie)
So back to the crack of dawn, that's the time I was up on Saturday March 19th. I needed to pack for Richmond and I had an 8:30 AM coffee date in Crystal City with B. That's right - I asked him to meet me at 8:30 on a Saturday morning. And he said YES! My pictures on the web or my emails to him must have been really attractive. Honestly, he is a serious runner so I thought he was probably up pretty early on a Saturday morning (And I guess I was right).
So we were supposed to meet for coffee at Starbucks in the "mall" at Crystal City. He offered to meet me on the street in front of the mall (he said it's alittle confusing to find the Starbucks). But little old confident me said "Don't worry. I'm sure I'll be able to find it." (I'm the least directional challenged person I know.) RIIGGHTTT...there is more than one mall in Crystal City. There is more than 1 Starbucks around the "malls" in Crystal City. In fact, along the Crystal Drive (where the Shops at Crystal City are - aka the mall), there are 4 coffee places that are easily seen and accessible on the street (none of which are Starbucks). So you see where I'm going, I couldn't find it. I was panicking. Thank goodness I have an iPhone. After quickly looking up his number in the email he sent me, I had to admit my stupidity and now lateness and tell him I couldn't find it. After a quick look at a map and a few directions, I finally found him a few blocks away inside the other mall at a Starbucks (why he had to pick the one coffee place inside, I still don't know).
- He was carrying a shopping bag. I said "I hope you didn't buy me a gift." Don't worry it wasn't. He pulled out an outfit for his 4 year-old niece. He bought it at the outlets for her birthday. But he didn't really say why he had brought it to our date? The mall wasn't open.
- He didn't buy me my drink. It was a $2.50 cup of tea. I may be old-fashioned and sometimes guys don't have alot of money, but it was $2.50 (you should pay.) Don't worry - I don't hold it against him - we are going out again.
Monday, March 21, 2011
I will not be going hungry
Weekend Update (this is not SNL)
OK - I have to run off and finish my salad. (So happy to be eating grilled chicken, steamed veg and salad today for lunch - I'm alittle worried about my waistline with all this drinking and eating out).
Upcoming entries to come - a first date with B, second date with A, my exchange with "Mr. DC Council"...
PS. I went to ask Ann a work question and she's reading The Pioneer Woman's blog while eating her lunch. She proceeds to pull up several photos of the Marlboro Man and oohs and aahs. Makes me laugh every time (each ooh and ahh is funnier than the next.) Just thought I'd share.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
First Date of Dates
Note: I started this post many times in my head over the last week. I even started writing it yesterday afternoon. But after talking to some people about my blog, I'm not sure about how to write these posts. So this is going to be my first attempt. I'm sure it'll be not enough details, but I'll probably end up revising it along the way. I just really want to protect the guys. It's only fair to them.
So I met A on Catholic Match. We had a really great email rapport. It was so easy to email him little messages, but after a few he asked me to meet him on a Friday night at a local bar/restaurant for drinks. Cool.
A is 32 years old. He lives about 45 minutes away from me, but he works closer by. He doesn't work in an office. He works 24 hours and then has 48 hours off. He’s also in school getting a another degree. He’s cute. Cute and athletic.
So I get to the bar at the appointed time. I’m wearing (I know you all want to know) sort of skinny jeans (they are a size too big – I have smaller ones now), a flowy tank top, my brown military style jacket, and brown peep toe pumps. It’s packed -wall to wall people. Shoot! Of course, I didn’t look at his picture before I walked out of work (I did have his number), so I had to go off memory. But he found me.
We got beers and started talking. It was a really good light-hearted conversation. I was charming – as Amy says I can talk to guys about anything. It comes from being the one of only a few girls in an office full of guys. I have to know about MMA/UFC, living off the grid, football, basketball, strippers, alcohol, poker, etc. Then I would have nothing to talk about with my co-workers all day long. Don’t worry – we didn’t talk about any of those things! But it was an easy conversation.
The funny thing as soon as one topic ended, he would ask me a question about myself (something I posted on my profile). I couldn't get many questions in edgewise - but it was ok. The only hiccup was I must have put that I like cooking in my profile. When he asked me about it, I had had about 15 oz of beer. I was feeling it (on the way to be cooked). Thank goodness at that point I had already said to him, let's get some food and we were sitting at a table and I was able to get some water. So when he said to asked me about cooking, I just said "I said that?" He started to laugh (I must have had a great expression on my face). I started to laugh and I started to backpeddle. "Well I guess I do like to cook, but I really don't cook right now." In fact, I couldn't even remember the last thing I had cooked. So I said "Ummm, I guess I'm going to have to change that. I mean I will cook. I can cook. I just haven't been cooking". Way to backpeddle, D. Time to stop drinking.
So we left after about 4 hours, a few beers and dinner (I had a burger - yes, I did it. No salad for this girl. He might as well know I'm not afraid.) He had work the next day and I had a 7:30 AM run.
He walked me to my car. Where we had another funny moment. So I had another blouse hanging in the car. I needed options and I was meeting him straight from work. So he caught me. He asks me what is this blouse is for - and I just start to laugh. "You caught me. I needed options. So I guess I won't be wearing this blouse for awhile.". A hug and a kiss on the cheek and I was off.
A few other random thoughts about A:
- He told me I looked better than my pictures I posted on my profile. Smile!
- He makes me laugh. We've talked and texted every couple of days since our date (he did ask me for a 2nd date that Sunday night.)
- The conversation is easy.
- He wants to travel to Europe. I'm over that part of my life and those adventures. I'd rather spend the thousands on dollars on something else.
- I'm questioning my chemistry meter. Did we have chemistry? How will I know?
Quick Update - Saturday
I’m so tired. I’m currently laying on the guest bed at Katie’s house in Richmond. We (the girls in the bridal party) just finished decorating her house for Carrie and Matt’s 80’s themed engagement party. It is beyond tacky. I thought since I have a big party tonight that I’d better get my blog entry in now.
I’ve already broke my one rule and didn’t post anything last night. But I had to go out for a drink after a minor freak out about date number 2 with A. Luckily, Caitlin texted me at the perfect time to tell me she loved the blog so far and I had no problems convincing her to go for margaritas. In a store full of useless crap, in one sentence she told me I was being an idiot about my date 2 hang-up (which was he’s picking me up at my house and I don’t have time to clean it this weekend – I did do a quick tidy last night) and I was fine. Margaritas followed.
Thank you to everyone who is reading the blog! I hope that it is entertaining. The words of encouragement are awesome. Just the fact that people are reading it is so fun to me. If you have questions of me, please ask away. I have about 5 entries still to write. I’m already getting backlogged. So more to come in the near future.
Love, D
Postscript: I really did write this yesterday afternoon, but connectivity issues prevented an upload. I'm currently watching Eat, Pray, Love and I don't know if I can make it - tears might flow. I might have to run to pull myself back together before I finish this movie (yes, I read the book, I know how it ends - but it's hard to relive as a woman (probably hormones)).
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Letter
I wanted to send you an email to tell you THANK YOU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart because in the span of a week you have changed my life. I know that seems crazy and I hardly believe it myself, but it’s true.
About two weeks ago, I found your blog (via David Lebovitz) and I started reading a few entries. Your website was so funny so I decided to stop by Target and pick up your new book. I devoured it over a couple of nights and when I closed the book at the end, I had had an epiphany. I was no longer the independent 32 year-old single world travelling woman who was wondering if she even wanted to change her lifestyle for children and how she was going deal with sharing her decisions and life with a man. I was the woman who looked at her friends and just thought they were married so the next step was just to have kids.
I get it now. That’s not it at all. It’s about standing solidly with your feet on the ground next to a guy who is also solidly planted. It’s about the pride, satisfaction, and contentment in growing roots and raising children that are one day going to go off into the world. Just thinking about it gives me a lump in my throat. It’s the first thing I’ve ever wanted with my whole heart. I want it so bad I can taste it. I want it today and I’m praying everyday that it happens soon.
So I’m working to try and make it happen. I’m letting everyone around me know that this is what I want. And so I just wanted to let you know because you were the reason why it happened and why I am so deliriously happy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Hopefully one day, I’ll get to thank you in person (you aren’t coming to DC on your book tour), but in the meantime, thank you!
Much love and gratitude,
-------- (Miss Scarlett's real name)
P.S. Since I’m telling everyone that I’m looking for a man, if you know any awesome cowboys who are looking for a cute brunette woman who is originally from a small town on the edge of farm country, send them in my direction. I’m sure I’ll have them laughing on my take on life out in the country. I can guarantee they’ll have clean drawers, a fully stomach, a warm bed, and a loyal wife. (Anything else is a maybe).
So I have coffee date early Saturday morning (he's a marathon runner - he can handle 8:30) and I have penciled in a 2nd date on Sunday with A (I'll post a full recap of 1st date with A lata). My Mom thinks that I'm going to somehow have time to come over and look at paint samples and crap on Sunday. Little does she know.
But a quick check of emails, it seems that more dates to come next week. So I'll keep you posted.