My Life List

While at the BlogHer 2011 conference, I was smart enough to sign up for a day long session called, "My Blog as a Life Changer".  The workshop was presented by two bloggers, Karen Walrond of the blog, Chookooloonks, and Gwen Bell.  They put us through a series of exercises in which we got the ideas flowing on how we could work through transitions in our lives or start a new chapter.

One of the exercises we did was based on another blogger's idea of a life list.  It's a list of about 100 things you want to do in your lifetime.  It's not a bucket list or a 30 before 30 (I'm past that age anyway).   It's a combination of simple and extravagant things.  And it can be fluid.  The last rule is you can't feel bad if you don't end up accomplishing something on the list.  These are just small goals to work towards.

Here's the list (in no particular order):

  1. Visit Hawaii.
  2. Skydive.
  3. Stay at a ranch. (I've been to one to ride - but only a few hours and I have to be there at my favorite time of the day - dawn-ish.)
  4. Adopt a dog from a shelter.
  5. Take a friend on vacation.
  6. Take a multi-day road trip.
  7. Visit Yellowstone National Park with someone who has never been there.
  8. Go to a rodeo. (It's in the works.)
  9. Win an award.
  10. Sing on stage with a band.
  11. Coach someone to their weight loss goal.
  12. Meet The Pioneer Woman.
  13. Go to my grandparent's village in Italy.
  14. Learn to surf.
  15. Have a professional portrait taken (Also working on this.)
  16. Learn the running man.
  17. Start a business/be my own boss.
  18. Shoot a shotgun.
  19. Wear red lipstick in public.
  20. Open water swim.
  21. Go on a yoga retreat.
  22. Cook Thanksgiving dinner.
  23. Read the Bible cover to cover.
  24. Take a child camping.
  25. Learn how to drive stick shift.
  26. Make a quilt.
  27. Witness a child's birth.
More to I think of it.